Senior Leaders of the Intuitive Coaching Academy
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Vicky Gosse
Vicky Gosse is a Senior Leader and has been an integral part of Candace McKim Intuitive Coaching for years. Vicky Gosse is the contributor to Meatless Mondays, is the head cook at all of Candace’s retreats and is the author of The Intuitive Artichoke - A Year of Meatless Mondays.
As Senior Leader and Intuitive Coach Vicky Gosse is uniquely qualified to screen Candace McKim’s program enrolment.
Vicky is an extremely gifted Intuitive Coach and Body Positive Advocate who has extensive training in the Chakra system, Intuitive Card Reading as well as Astrology.
Vicky’s purpose is to help women to accept and embrace who they are TODAY! Working with Vicky will allow you to connect deeply to your own soul and life purpose.

Val McGovern
Val McGovern is an intuitive life coach who empowers women, guiding them to discover their most genuine version, encouraging inner listening and trust through intuition. When her marriage abruptly ended, she was forced given an opportunity to find her own way. While moving through grief, learning what believes were hers and understanding her new story, she turned to her life coach, grabbing the life line of support. Val has had training with several coaching modalities, yoga, and energy work. Through one-on-one coaching, sacred writing circles, and learning to trust one's intuition, she encourages women to open their hearts by offering a safe place for vulnerability, creating curiosity for a journey of self exploration for mind, body and soul. Become the author of your life.

June Palmer~ Mikwan
June Palmer is a proud First Nation Woman from Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation. Mikwan is Junes name given to her in Spirit Lodge. Pronounced as (Me-gwon) means Feather in Cree. Mikwan is an Intuitive healer/ Reiki Master Practitioner with a passion for Crystal Singing bowls and using sound to help promote healing and relaxation. Mikwan has always been an Intuitive person and was gifted her first Eagle feather at 11 years old, since then she has kept on learning from her elders and teachers. Always adding to her medicine pouch of abilities and strengths, so that she may be of service and to help people on their healing journey.Training with June
Energy Rituals and Crystal bowl Healing MedicineIt is Mikwan's intention to share the benefits of using different sounds as healing tools. Sound baths, Crystal Bowls, Chimes. Mikwan believes vibrational energy of different tones can promote healing. After all, we’re all vibrational energies having a physical experience. I feel sound healing and meditation are a beautiful mix for mindfulness, deepend meditation practice and is just healing to the core. Much like going to a massage therapist for the muscles, Sound bath is a massage for the soul. 🌺
Janet Key
As a successful Prosperous Woman financial coach and inspirational Speaker Janet thrives on helping powerful, women get mindful about money and embrace financial power.
By Prosperous Woman Coaching, Janet creates a clear roadmap to get you from dreaming to doing. Clients and friends alike trust her warmhearted, approachable advice and guidance. Her words motivate and empower women to claim responsibility for their finances – and their lives. Ready to embrace your financial power?
Prosperous Woman Training with Janet
In this inspiring training with Janet you’ll create a roadmap for your financial destination. We all have a relationship with money, seeking financial freedom and healthy, happy relationships. Money is emotional but Janet opens the door for women to have courageous conversation to step fully into our authentic selves and create the wealth we desire. Janet will share with you, positive mindset strategies and practical money solutions to manage your money and your emotions.
• Your relationship with money thoughts, words & actions
• Create a prosperity plan.
- Mastering spending Mindless VS Mindful
- Getting Financially naked & how to create a healthy financial relationship

Gina Forbes
Gina Forbes is an Intuitive Coach, Intuitive Energy Healer, Reiki Master and Meditation facilitator leading her monthly Circle of Intuitive Women group coaching program.In Gina’s direct, honest and fun loving approach she helps her clients get unstuck, moves blocks and brings you the clear messages you need.
Gina combines her knowledge of the chakras, reiki and integrated energy therapy to customize a healing session that is perfect for you.Gina not only offers one to one sessions but also facilitates full moon and new moon meditations, workshops, courses and classes.
Cathy Dirkx
Cathy Dirkx is an Intuitive Coach, Experienced Yoga Teacher Trainer, Yoga Nidra Teacher Trainer, Ayurvedic Practitioner and Mentor.Using all aspects of yoga, including Yoga Nidra Sankalpa intention setting, Cathy will help you break through limiting beliefs that are holding your back and telling you, you aren’t good enough. Cathy intuitively uses her nurturing, supportive charm to allow you to feel instantly warm and comfortable so you will easily discover your purpose and follow your dreams.Connect to Cathy for one on one online sessions, workshops and trainings including Chakra Balancing, Oracle Card Readings, Yoga Nidra, Meditation and Intuitive Coaching.

Jill Hodson
Jill Hodson is an Intuitive Heart Coach, Certified Heart Yoga teacher, Chakra Therapist, Meditation Facilitator and LGBTQIA+ AllyJill Encourages women and those who identify as women to listen to those gentle nudges in the heart to find their authentic voice. To live lives that allow them to be seen, heard, respected and Loved!Jills calm energy and accepting, compassionate nature allows her to intuitively guide you to bravely move through vulnerability and fear towards love, joy and inclusivity.Through Jill’s incredibly supportive and informative online wellness packages you will transform your life!
Ashley Fisher
Ashley Fisher is an Intuitive Coach, Meditation Teacher, Chakra Therapist, Oracle Card and archetype enthusiast offering one on one and group sessions.With her inviting, bold and inclusive manner Ashley provides a safe and beautiful place for women to gather for ritual, insight and healing. Her one on one sessions allow you to courageously move forward into your next chapter.Ashley’s own personal health journey brings her strong commitment to healing and wellness - body, mind and spirit for the everyday woman. If you’re at a crossroads lets connect today.

Become a Senior Leader
A Senior Leader is someone who has taken training with Candace McKim and wants to take the Intuitive Coaching Academy Certification Training or has already taken this training and wants to continue to be a part of this community, offer their own expertise and stay connected to colleagues and training.
As a Senior Leader with previous training with me, you’ll receive:
1. The full six months of Live On-line certification training at a discounted rate.
2. An opportunity to present as the EXPERT in one of the modules during the trainings.
3. Recommendation as an awesome coach available to be of service to all participants and featured on my website.
4. Lead With Intuition on-line video training immediately.
5. Additional group Business Coaching.
6. An affiliate opportunity. Receive $500 for each person you bring into the training.
7. Strong community/collaboration opportunities with Candace and other Senior Leaders.