YAY!!! These are awesome cards of prosperity, positive energy and a time to celebrate.

intuition yoga Jul 29, 2019

Here's a card reading for you!

At first glance I just have to say YAY!!! These are awesome cards of prosperity, positive energy and a time to celebrate.

BODY:  Sun Salutation - Prosperity . Abundance
As the sun is warming up around here, this card is telling you that you are physically going to receive  prosperity and riches.  Gratitude is the best way to attract more abundance into your life. Write down 5 things that you are grateful for every day to stay in a beautiful flow of receiving and giving.  

MIND:  Gesture - Energy . Symbolic
Money is energy that flows in and out of our lives.  Any negative energy that you may feel about prosperity comes from limiting beliefs that you continue to believe.  This card is reminding you to pour positive, loving, generous energy into all the abundance that you possess!

SPIRIT:  Victory Breath - Celebrate . Victorious
Celebrate ALL of your wins, accomplishments and triumphs!  If you don't have a tribe to share your wins with, please share them with me and my tribe.  I am so excited about all of the possibilities that are coming your way, please be open to them!

To gain confidence, support and to change limiting beliefs, come hang out with me on retreat!


Love and Light,


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