Are you sick of your day job and ready to step into your healing business?
Aug 21, 2020
Are you sick of your day job and ready to step into your healing business?
Are you working from home now and have the time to put more attention into your healing business? Now's the time to follow your intuition and invest in your vision to help others. I mean... If not now, when?
The beautiful thing about becoming an Intuitive Coach is that you can take the training and start you're new career, while you keep working at your present job. The Intuitive Coaching Academy is designed to not only train you to become an Intuitive Coach, but to fully support you right from day 1 to activate your business ideas. You'll quickly gain confidence to begin running your own business, start seeing clients and living your purpose.
PLEASE book a Complimentary Clarity Call with me to help you get clear on your vision, your why and what your next step is.
This training is for any woman who is aware of energy, on a spiritual path, with a strong desire to help people. You already are, or want to work for yourselves, feel like you’re intuitive (even though you may doubt yourself) and are yearning to do your work in the world and make a bigger impact, yet aren’t sure how to bring it all together.
That's a lot of RED!
BODY Seated Staff: Individuality . Character
Here's your permission slip to be you in all your unique glory. When you compare yourself to others it creates harm, makes you feel bad and prevents you from helping others. Allow your unique personality to shine when you are working with clients, speaking on stage and especially on social media. You won't be for everyone, but....There are people out there waiting for your messages!!!
MIND Focal Point: Vision . Gaze
Just like my last card reading...Where you put your focus, it grows. Keep coming back to your vision and what you want to create, manifest and attract into your life. Stop thinking about what you don't want and focus on what you do want! Put on your blinders and invest 2 hours a day towards your purpose!!!
SPIRIT Root Chakra: Foundation . Tribe . Base
Spirit wants you to get building your strong foundation, shift limiting thoughts and construct the dream!!! By investing your time, energy and finances into your purpose you are telling SOURCE what you want and how important it is for you. Don't wait any longer Book a clarity call with me now.
To purchase a deck of Yogini's Guide to Intuition Oracle Cards or the book Yogini's Guide - Intuition Is A Choice by Candace McKim go to:
****Important: Please tune in each week for Intuitive Tuesday's at 9:00am (mdt) FBLive and InstaLive for FREE Intuitive Oracle Card Readings!!!!
Love and Inspiration to you!
Candace xoxox
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