Could your fatigue be a sign of being uninspired???
Jul 02, 2020
Are you getting lost in uncertainty? Are you feeling exhaustion overwhelm you? Could your fatigue be a sign of being uninspired???
PLEASEbook a Complimentary Clarity Call with me to help youget re-inspired with your vision, how to bring your originality and uniqueness into your businessand dream.
Plus, I'm super excited to tell you about my next Intuitive Coaching Academy training which will be running evenings starting JULY 8th, 2020!!!
The Intuitive Coaching Academy is for any woman who is aware of energy, on a spiritual path with a strong desire to help people. They already are, or want to work for themselves, they feel like they’re intuitive (even though they may doubt themselves) and are yearning to do their work in the worldand make a bigger impact, yet aren’t sure how to bring it all together.
We're in a time now of new beginning, which definitely highlights uncertainty and fear.
I feel we're soooo tired because we're UNINSPIRED!
Would being an Intuitive Coachand helping others connect to their intuition and follow their inner guidance toward living a thriving lifeget you excited and energized?
NEW opportunities for us to share our stories and wisdom to bring comfort and support to others. As we know uncertainty can be scary, exhausting and challenging, but togetherwe can be so impactful.
The Intuitive Coaching Academy is:
6-month online Certification Training
Starts July 8, 2020
Wednesday evenings 6:00-9:00 PM (Mountain time)
via ZOOM
So please, if you or anyone you know would benefit from this training please book aComplimentary Clarity Callwith me:
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