In Allyship for Indigenous Women!
Jul 02, 2020
Are you looking for some direction for your future? Unsure where to put your focus this summer with no idea what to do next?
PLEASE book a Complimentary Clarity Call with me to help you get clear on your vision, your why and what your next step is.
Plus, I'm excited to tell you about my next Intuitive Coaching Academy training which will be running evenings and is starting JULY 8th, 2020!
This training is for any woman who is aware of energy, on a spiritual path with a strong desire to help people. They already are, or want to work for themselves, they feel like they’re intuitive (even though they may doubt themselves) and are yearning to do their work in the world and make a bigger impact, yet aren’t sure how to bring it all together.
I believe so strongly that we are presently in a time of the FEMININE RISINGand I feel it’s NOW for us women to get prepared to support and help others through this change. As we know change can be scary, exhausting and frustrating, but together we can be so impactful.
The Intuitive Coaching Academy is:
6-month online Certification Training
Starts July 8, 2020
Wednesday evenings 6:00-9:00 PM (Mountain time)
via ZOOM
So please, if you or anyone you know would benefit from this training please book a Complimentary Clarity Call with me:
***In appreciation of your support, I’m offering you an affiliate incentive of $500.00 cdn for every person that you recommend who registers for this training.
As an ally, I’ll be offering a 50% discount and/or sliding scale to anyIndigenous / First Nations woman who is ready to participate in the next Intuitive Coaching Academy Certification Training. Book a Clarity Call to get more information.
PLUS all past students will receive the discount as well as a position as a Senior Leader. Book a Clarity Call to get more information.
Thank YOU so much for your time and please reach out if there’s anything I can do to support you and your offerings at this time.
Love Candace 🙏
Lets get started.
Your time is now!!!
I've opened up more appointment times to BOOK a Complimentary Clarity Call!
Go here to APPLY to the Intuitive Coaching Academy:
Love and Inspiration,
Candace xoxox
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