2019 what a year! Oh right it’s still February!

yogini's guide Feb 25, 2019


Is your 2019 as wild for you as it is for us? 
What a year we are having at the McKim household!!!
AND…. It’s still only February!  We have had so much happen for us already. 

We have officially SOLD our home and acreage!!!  We had listed our place last Aug for three months, but it didn't sell, so we thought we would try again in the Spring - April or May.
Well wouldn’t you know it, we got a call from our realtor and someone wanted to show it.  Badda Boom… Our place SOLD!

We’ve  moved our belongings into storage and are heading out on a cruise through the Panama.

Please don’t ask us what we are doing or where we are going because honestly we don’t know!!!!!!  
I will keep you informed as it comes to us.

Love you and I am thrilled to share this with you.

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