So How's it going?
Most years I'm one of those people who gets excited about the New Year, ALL of the possibilities and devours hype about opportunities. I meditate about what my word for the year is going to be and I get inspired, motivated and super juiced up about a New Year, New Decade and a New YOU!
Which is why I haven't emailed you until now!!!
These are my questions to you... How do you get yourself motivated to do what you WANT to do?
Can you allow yourself to feel the hohum?
How do you inspire yourself into action or do you bother?
I've been asking myself these same questions for the first three weeks of 2020.
For me, it's best to take a step back. Look at the bigger picture of what's going on and what's this resistance to doing what I WANT to do...
I, of course, enlist an Intuitive Coach and together we uncover the real reasons I haven't been working on my book.
I'm happy to say that I'm now re-inspired in a whole new way...
What I uncovered is that AS I'm being called to write this next book. Women & Worth, Wealth & Wellness
I've been getting hit by a SHAME STORM!
I hear myself ask "Who are you to write this book?" "do you even know enough about this topic to write about it?"
This is what SHAME looks like...
Shame shuts me down. Shame completely stops me from doing what I want to do. What I have the privilege of doing.
As women - we care. I want to do a good job. I want to get my messages out and I know more now, than when my first book was written. The world has changed since then and I don't want to miss this opportunity by spiritually bypassing topics. I just can't go to a happy place and avoid truth.
So... I'll continue to clear shame out of my body, mind and spirit. I'll shake it literally off and be more aware of the next time it wriggles in.
I've shifted my perspective about writing this book and I accept all the support from my party of angels and guides to help me write each page.
Love to you and Happy New Year,
Candace xoxo
P.S. Oh ya... and my words (Yes I chose two words) for the year are: WRITE & INSPIRE
Let me know what your word is for 2020!!!
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